
Thursday, September 6, 2012


Hello! Today I'm not going to load some pictures, just try to retell conversation between Spanish citizens and one guy. He said that rules for trade between his country and Spain are very hard. If, for example, producers of shoes in Spain could freely sell their priduction in Mexico -both parties could win. Mexicans adore spanish shous and are ready to buy. Yes, this is a problem: too many regulations and restrictions for the trade between Spain and Latin American countries. 

"Olive Line International, S. L"

Поставки масложировой, мясной и рыбной продукции из Испании в Россию и страны СНГ. Каталог продукции: оливки, маслины, оливковое масло, мясные деликатесы, рыба и морепродукты. Контакты. Цитируемость: 50Испания

I decided to see what kind of sites devoted to production Spain can show to Russian customers. I found only 1 site in Yandex. Here it is.It seems to me very strange - only foodstaffs!

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